Piscataqua River Basin

116th Annual Meeting 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic emergency called by the Governor of the State of New Hampshire, the Council was required to cancel the 2020 Annual Meeting. As per NH Governor John Sununu’s executive order and the guidance of our state epidemiologist, we were too large a group to meet safely and therefore were allowed to set aside the bylaws this year for the required meeting. Further details can be found in the December 2019 newsletter and the June 2020 newsletter.

However, the organization was still functioning. The Council still met, albeit electronically, as is customary, and we continued to have expenses such as sending the newsletters out in both December and May, paying for storage rental, and making our annual $250 contribution to the Dimond Library to support the Lamson Collection.

Lastly, because we did not meet as a body in 2020, the present Council leadership remained in place until the 2021 annual meeting.