We met at Wentworth By the Sea's ball room for the 120th Annual Meeting of our Society. Ed Bachelder, President, called the meeting to order about 10:20am. There were 46 paid attendees, of which 25 were members.
Nancy Spencer-Smith, Chaplain, gave the Invocation. Wendy Renda, 1st Vice President, led the Pledge of Allegiance and Arlene Quimby, Officer at Large, read the Mission Statement and Objects of the Society.
The 2023 annual meeting minutes written by Beverly Mutrie, Secretary, were approved upon a motion by N. Spencer-Smith, seconded by Betsey Cox-Buteau with all voting affirmatively.
B. Cox-Buteau, Treasurer, reviewed her report. She stated that the CD at 5% we had was rolled over again at Service Credit Union. Carol Palmer, Auditor, has checked her report for accuracy. Our net income for the year was about $352. Our biggest expense continues to be the Annual Meeting. We will only be printing and mailing a spring Newsletter. The fall Newsletter will just be sent electronically.
Registrar, Wendy Blood, reported that there seems to be a great interest in becoming a member, especially as supplemental members. There are 16 new members to be voted in today along with the 18 that the Council voted in this spring for a total of 34. The new members are: Krisry L. Lee #1936, Sandra A. Andrews #1937, Eugene A Walker #1938, Jason E. Huckabee #1939, Catherine M. Sterns #1940, and Rose A. Linfoot #1941 and #1942. Also approved were 5 supplementary memberships for Stephen W. Beverage #1892 and 4 supplementary memberships for Michael R. Denney #1915. There are 19 applications still in progress. N. Spencer-Smith motioned to approve the new members, with B. Mutrie seconding and all concurred.
N. Spencer-Smith, Chaplain, orally reported that 12 deceased members, namely: #1911 Linda Lorraine, #1638 Paul G. Brown, #1577A Dorothy E. Cole, #1686 Jack E Conner II, #1142 William G. Hooper Jr., #1198 Carol J. Jones, #839 Pauline G. Murphy, #1889 Beatrice C. Perkins, #1641 Andrea Rowell, #1143 John Torr, #963 Robert H Torr and #1623 Elizabeth G. Shapleigh has passed since the last Annual Meeting.
Alan Moulton, Database Manager, reported in writing that we have 363 active members, with 1914 total records on file. He is working to create an instruction manual and a glossary to identify each field to be promulgated.
B. Cox-Buteau reported that the Council would like to propose a by-law revision regarding remote meetings. The proposed Article V: Meetings By-Law was shortened to state: "The Council may hold meetings by electronic means as desired." E. Bachelder motioned to accept the amendment, with a second by Steve Beveridge. A hand vote with twenty-five members voting affirmatively with no nays, so the motion met the two-thirds voting requirement.
The following Council members up for re-election were: Nancy Spencer-Smith, Arlene Quimby and Barbara Carmone, Officers at Large. The membership affirmatively voted the aforementioned officers to new two-year terms. Officers in the middle of their 2 or 3 year term are Ed Bachelder, President, Wendy Renda, Vice-President, Wendy Blood, Registrar, Betsey Cox-Buteau, Treasurer, Patricia Karakashian and James Twombley, Officers at Large. A motion by E. Bachelder, seconded by B. Cox-Buteau was heard to approve the above officers for their new terms. The membership affirmatively voted the aforementioned officers to two-year terms.
All officers were sworn in by Chaplain N. Spencer-Smith and a picture taken.
Other news: Rev. Michael Denny, Curator, will digitize all newer records and have them available on our website for use in genealogical research This will add to Barbara Alex's accomplishment of digitizing our records and recording them at Salt Lake City.
The business meeting adjourned at 10:58 am upon a motion by B. Cox-Buteau with a second by S. Beveridge and all concurred.
After a New England themed lunch, we welcomed J. Dennis Robinson, author, speaking about his latest work, 1623: Pilgrims, Pipe Dream Politics and the Founding of NH.
Beverly Mutrie, Secretary
Present in Person at 1:02pm were Ed Bachelder, President; Betsey Cox-Buteau, Treasurer; Beverly Mutrie, Secretary; Pat Karakashian, Officer-at-Large and Allan Moulton, Database Manager. Attending by Skype were Barbara Carmone, Officer-at-Large; Wendy Renda, 1st Vice President; and Nancy Spencer-Smith, Chaplain. Absent were Wendy Blood, Registrar; Michael Kenney, Curator; Arlene Quimby and James Twombly, both the later Officers-at-Large and Carol Palmer, Auditor; Guest was Mrs. Alan (Bonnie) Moulton.
N. Spencer Smith gave the invocation and W. Renda led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. We agreed to forgo the Mission Statement and Objectives. P. Karakasian motioned to accept the Spring 2024 Council Meeting Minutes, with B. Cox-Buteau seconding and all voted in the affirmative. As of October 1, we had total income of $2725 and total expenses of $4663.
The Treasurer's Report indicated a loss of about $800 for the annual meeting at the Wentworth-by-the Sea which had only 47 attendees. Alternatives are to increase donations, memberships, or possibly meet at the St. Paul Masonic Hall in Hampton. For next year, suggestions were a speaker/reenactor playing John Q. Adams or one from the NH Humanities Council or similar. The Board expects the meal cost to be less. Time is of the essence to reserve a venue. The Board suggested a survey as to how many anticipate coming next year, their preferred venue, type of program and food cost by email.
The Spring Newsletter was published and sent by USPS at a budget of $400. The Council voted last year to publish the fall newsletter electronically this year and mail the spring newsletter. Next year all newsletters will be sent by electronic means." B. Cox-Buteau motioned to approve the $6300 budget for 2024-2025 with A. Moulton seconding and the motion was passed.
The Board reviewed the Registrar's report. A motion to vote in six new members, as proposed by W. Blood namely: #1901.1 Peter Williamson; #1915.3&.4 Rev. Denney; #1932.1&.2 Wayne Clark; #1935 Rebecca Bachelder was heard from B. Cox-Buteau, seconded by B. Mutrie and all agreed. Four of the new members were supplementary. There are 20 applications still to be finished.
The Chaplain, N. Spencer-Smith had no Necrology report. The Database Manager, A. Moulton gave his report and mentioned that he will not be continuing as Database Manager next term.
E. Bachelder will work with him to transfer all the records to Excel. B. Mutrie will help keep the database updated. We have 32 annual dues paying members and 334 life members. We have 59/300 receiving an online newsletter. We voted to approve the Database report upon a motion by B. Cox-Buteau, seconded by A. Moulton and all concurred. There was no Curator's Report. Due to the archival storage donation, B. Cox-Buteau proposed adding $250 to the budget. B. Cox-Buteau will determine the volume of material stored as we may scan everything.
E. Bachelder offered to write a letter to the defunct Chadbourne Family Association's remaining members to see if they want to become Piscataqua Pioneer members. N. Spencer-Smith did attempt to contact them. The Board still has to decide about updating the register and have it on our website.
New Officers/Terms: The current proposed slate will be: P. Karakashian, Vice-President; E. Bachelder, President and Database Manager; B. Mutrie, Secretary; Wendy Renda, Vice President; Carol Palmer, Auditor; Arlene Quimby and Barbara Carmone as Officers-at- Large.
Annual Meeting August 2025: P. Karakashian proposed that networking between friends and family be done to entice attendees. A well-known speaker on an interesting topic is also a big lure. Possible topics are: "Why the Seacoast was settled", "the 'Invasion' of the pioneers" or "the Waldron raid". Perhaps the head of the History Dept. at UNH could be consulted. A motion to adjourn was made at 2:50 pm by A. Moulton, seconded by B. Cox-Buteau and all voted yea.
Beverly Mutrie, Secretary
Post Office Box 1511 ~ Portsmouth NH 03802-1511
© Piscataqua Pioneers. All rights reserved.