There were 42 members present with approximately 25 more as guests.
Pat Karakashian, President, welcomed us to the 119th annual meeting. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lt. Col. James Twombly, retired, and the Invocation by our Chaplain, Nancy Spencer-Smith. Beverly Mutrie, Secretary, read the Mission Statement, and Arlene Quimby, the Objects of the Pioneers.
Fred Boyle was in attendance and recognized as a long-time member (since 1974). Past Presidents were also recognized, namely, Barbara Alex, Ed Bachelder, Fred Boyle, and Betsey Cox-Buteau. Current Officers were introduced.
Anne Gray and Leslie Briggs both came from Maryland, as the longest distance attendees. Wendy Blood, Registrar, from Portsmouth was the shortest distance attendee. B. Cox-Buteau and W. Blood were recognized for their invaluable assistance to Pat Karakashian in organizing this meeting.
Reports were received from Betsey Cox-Buteau, Treasurer; N. Spencer-Smith, Chaplain; and Wendy Blood, Registrar. Betsey Cox-Buteau reviewed the proposed Bylaw changes which were later adopted. (The complete minutes of the business meeting, including the above reports, will be published in the December 2023 newsletter that is mailed to members and also posted on this website.)
Officers were elected: Ed Bachelder, President; Wendy Renda, Vice-President; Nancy Spencer-Smith, Chaplain; Beverly Mutrie, Secretary; Betsey Cox-Buteau, Treasurer; Wendy Blood, Registrar; Alan Moulton, Database Manager; Carol Palmer, Auditor. Officers at Large are Barbara Carmone, James Twombly, Arlene Quimby and Patricia Karakashian. We recognized Barbara Alex who was stepping down as Curator and Michael Denney was elected in her place.
Members offered the following remarks: Margorie Bayles donated about 8 books "An Old New England Family Ancestors and Descendants of Herbert Hamilton Iva Smith" by Orely C. Gifford. Leslie Briggs noted that she has many books from the Estate of Jane Morey to donate also. Jane Morey was a John Dame descendant and related to Captain Wiggins. Sue Gray has 24 different pioneer ancestors. Wendy Renda is a DAR member and is descended from a new ancestor, Rose Stoughton.
We adjourned for an hour for a New England lunch and reconvened to listen to Anne Jennison from Strawberry Banke and an Abenaki Tribe member, who talked on the history of the Abenaki (Wabenaki) People, their decline in numbers just before the interaction with the colonists from Europe , and later their spread further West or North. She also related their past and current efforts to maintain their culture. There will be a POW WOW at Strawberry Banke in August. Anne was sincerely thanked for her efforts to enlighten us about our local Native Americans.
The new Officers gathered for the swearing in by our Chaplain, Nancy Spencer-Smith and a group picture was taken.
We pulled the tickets for the Raffles and announced the results of the Silent Auctions. All in all, it was a most enjoyable event.
Post Office Box 1511 ~ Portsmouth NH 03802-1511
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